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Was the rise of the internet written in the stars? Acording to Mundane Astrology it was predicted by the stars.

Can you find your lost keys by using astrology? Yes, you can. A horary astrologer can tell you where they are.

What about the best time to undergo surgery? Not on a full moon according to medical astrology...

Astrology has a long and respected history in many parts of the world that goes back thousands of years. It is found in various traditions throughout Europe, India, China, Central America and Arabia. Astrology is based on the belief that the position of the stars and other heavenly bodies in the sky at birth influence a person's character and destiny. Related methods are horoscopy which involves scanning the sky for stars in order to divine omens and astrometeorology where weather patterns and natural disasters are predicted by the stars.

After the Ancient Greeks developed astrological methods where the ecliptic (path of the Sun) was measured relative to the positon of the Earth an exact solar calendar was able to be created. From that time on planets could be fixed relative to the solstice and the equinox instead of simply the four directions and zenith and nadir from the point of view of the observer.

Astrology was practised for thousands of years in Arabia and Europe. Western Astrology is geocentric, that is, the original concept puts the Earth at the centre with the Sun orbiting around it.

To erect a horoscope, you need to have an ephemeris or almanac to find the tables of the planets, an atlas to determine the latitude and longitude of the particular place and a Table of Houses to determine the Ascendant (the planet rising on the horizon). Special astrology software which is now widely available has simplified the complex mathematical calculations.

There are several divisions in astrology according to the aim of erecting and interpreting an astrological chart.

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Astrology around the World

  • Medieval Astrology
    This form of astrology does not rely on extensive ephemerides and computers. Profections and firdaria (Arab methods) are used to predict events with the calculations often performed in the head.

  • Western Astrology
    Western astrology is based on knowledge dating back to 3000 BC. It is calculated according to the Tropical ephemeris.

    • What do the planets represent?
    • What do the 12 Houses symbolise?
    • What are the different systems of Houses and how do they differ?
  • Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)
    A respected science in India for 7000 years, Jyotish or Vedic astrology bases its calculations on the Sidereal ephemeris.

    • What is the difference between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology?
    • What is Panchang?
    • What are the Vara and the Rashi (vedic signs)?
    • What do the Nakshatras (moon signs) represent?
    • What do the Houses (Bhava) symbolise?
    • Which gemstones and metal belong to which planets?

  • Chinese Astrology
    Chinese astrology is ruled by the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac and the five elements.

    • What are the meaning for each animal?
    • What does that animal's year represent?
    • What are the animals associated with the months and hours?
    • The Chinese Zodiac in other Asian cultures.

  • Mayan Astrology
    The Mayans used two calendars: the tzolkin which consisted of a 260 day year, and the haab which had a 365 day year. Both systems have at their basis a cycle of 20 days.

    • How did the Mayans organise the calendars?
    • What are the names of the Mayan days and months?
    • What are names of the Aztec days and months?

  • Tibetan Astrology
    Tibetan Astrology is practised in two main forms. One based on Chinese Astrology (Black Astrology) and one based on Indian Astrology (White Astrology).

  • Astrological Geomancy
    Astrological Geomancy (or Terrestrial Astrology) uses the geomantic figures in a medieval style horoscope.

  • Astro-palmistry
    An ancient Indian tradition which combines the art of Indian palmistry with Vedic astrology.

    • What signs do you look for on the hand?
    • How do you find the Ascendant on the hand?

  • The New Astrology by Suzanne White
    This is a very interesting book by Suzanne White, combining Chinese and Western Astrology.

Divisions within Astrology

There are various divisions within the subject of astrology according to the aim of drawing and interpreting a chart. Horary Astrology is used to answer questions posed to the astrologer. Elective astrology is used to plan events. Mundane astrology answers predict the course of events for nations. Predictive astrology predicts the future. Natal astrology reveals the nature of a person.

  • Natal Astrology
    This branch of astrology rules the life of the individual and uses a horosocpe erected for the time of birth of the subject or some other important time in his or her life. This horoscope reveals the personality, health and basic potential of the individual. This method of astrology is very popular, and there are two main approaches in natal astrology. One approach emphasises the prediction of particular events such as marriage, career and children.

    But many modern astrologers have tend to ignore this approach, rahter they move towards a solely psychological approach. The psychological approach is used to describe the personality of an individual and their psychologoical potential. Future events are predicted in a general sense only and are depicted as the consequence of the psychological behaviour of the subject.

    Read about:
    Star ChildYour Child according to the Stars
    Star ParentYou as a Parent according to the Stars.

  • Sun Sign Astrology
    This is the horoscope which you read in newspapers or weekly magazines. This method from medieval times can be very accurate but the astrologer needs to be very highly skilled. For example, when Mercury goes retrograde (appears to go backwards as seen form Earth) again on the 18th Jan - 8th Feb 2002 you can expect delays and problems with short joiurneys, communications (lost letters, misunderstandings, problems with the internet) right through until 1st March but each sign of the zodiac will experience these problems in different areas of their life and to varying degrees.

  • Predictive Astrology
    This provides predictions for individuals, usually according to transits and progressions, New Moon, Full Moon and eclipses. Transits can last for an hour (Moon) up to 18 months (Pluto) and bring changing moods and conditionsbut as well as lessons to learn. Many people go through difficult lessons in their lives at the age of roughly 28-29 when they experience their first Saturn return (Saturn returns to its natal position). Many people undergo complete changes in their life at this time. If no lessons are learnt form this difficult time, they experience more difficulties at the next Saturn return at the age of roughly 56-58.

  • Electional Astrology
    This form of astrology is well known throughout the world. Answering specific questions such as "Which date would be the most suitable for the wedding?" and "When should I launch my new business?" This branch of astrology determines the the most auspicious time to start an enterprise, journey, marriage, business or course of study.

  • Horary Astrology
    Answers specific questions from "Will I get that job?" to "Where are my lost keys?" Horary astrology provides more reliable and accurate predictions than other branches of astrology.

    • What classical considerations do you need to take into account?
    • What is the rulership of the planets?
    • What are the names of some Arabic Parts and what do they mean?
    • How do you find Arabic Points without a time of birth?
    • What are the names of some Fixed Stars and what do they mean?
    • What do the houses symbolise in Horary Astrology?

  • Medical Astrology
    Decumbitures are charts drawn for the moment a person falls ill, or, when he phones for an ambulance. Decumbiture charts are a medieval technique that tell the extent of the illness and its outcome.

    This branch of astrology is related to homeopathy and hebal medicine. Astrology can tell the best time to cut your hair (Full Mooon if you want you hair to grow back thick), undergo surgery (not on a Full Moon: danger of haemorrhaging) as well as the best time to conceive.

    In general, each sign of the zodiac rules a part of the body. For example, when a Taurean gets a cold or the flu, he or she tends to suffer from a sore throat, but Geminis tend to suffer from lung or bronchial problems. Your zodiac sign may indicate where you have a weakness.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):
Headache, head injuries, burns, cuts.

Taurus (Apr 21-May 21):
Throat, neck, ears, lower jaw.

Gemini (May 22-Jun 21):
Lungs, nervous system, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers, central nervous system.

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 23):
Breasts, stomach, digestive system and problems related to worrying.

Leo (Jul 24-Aug 23):
Heart, spine and back.

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):
Intestines, solar plexus, nervous system, digestive problems to do with nerves.

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):
Hips, kidneys, lower back.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):
Reproductive system, bladder, excretory system.

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):
Thighs, pelvis, circulatory system, pituitary gland.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20):
Knees, teeth, bones, joints.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19):
Wrists, circulation.

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

  • Mundane Astrology
    Mundane Astrology is an extensive field which rules covers all the affairs of nations, countries, religion, war and revolution, the arts and science.

    From 2003 to 2011, Uranus will be in Pisces which will bring about medical breakthroughs and also widespread changes in spirituality and religious issues.
    From 1997 to 2003, Uranus was in Aquarius which indicated a revolution in ideas, radicalism and new forms of communication (for example the internet). There were chaotic, changing world conditions.
    From 1988 to 1996, Uranus was in Aquarius which brought a change in corporate structure and business systems.

    Neptune in Aquarius in 1998 - 2008 will bring more humanitarian ideals. People will become more important than profit.
    In 1984-1998 Neptune in Capricorn emphasised materialistic beliefs.

    Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) means revolution in air and space travel as well as emotional extremes in philosophy and religion.
    When Pluto moves into Capricorn in 2008 we can expect a deeply conservative time and material revolution.

    There are three main branches in mundane astrology:

    • Financial Astrology This area of astrology isa speciality practised by few astrologers. Many businessmen consult astrologers. Even Wall Street, New York has astrologers who try to avoid publicity for the sake of their clients' reputation.
    • Political Astrology Political Astrology rules political affairs and issues, politicians, groups of people and political organisations.
    • Geophysical Astrology This branch of astrology examines climate, the weather, and all other natural phenomena, especially disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

    All these different branches can be found in vedic astrology as well as in many other forms of astrology around the world, including Chinese, Tibetan, Mayan and Aztec astrology.

    There are not many astrologers who practise all these forms of astrology. Most start with Natal Astrology then combine that with other branches, whilst developing their own style. Because astrology doesn't include elements of religion in itself, astrology can be adapted to the astrologer's own religious beliefs and ethics.

    More astrology:
      Chinese Astrology
    Horary Astrology
    Mayan Astrology
    Tibetan Astrology
      Vedic Astrology
    Western Astrology
    Your Star Child
    Star Parent

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